Thursday, August 18, 2011

Kid Say the Darndest Things!

I'm back-tracking since I was so busy last night I didn't get to do a post.  Wednesday nights are one of our busier nights because I try to cook when I get home from work before we go to church.  Steve and I have the children on Wednesday nights and we have a lot of fun with them.  Last night was no exception.  Every week we have our lesson and while doing our lesson we either make things from our lesson with play-doh or we study sign language with our lesson.  The kids really love making things from play-doh.  Last night our lesson was on Samson and how he became a slave.  Thomas asked the question "what is a slave?"  Campbell said I know what that is...that is what Santa Claus rides in..HA!!  She thought he said sleigh!  We all got a really big laugh!  Kids really do say the darndest things!!
After we get finished with our lesson we usually have a snack, but the air conditioning in the church wasn't doing right so the adults had to come over to the new building with us to do their lesson, so we didn't have snack.  We went outside and played bowling.  Thomas came up with the idea to set up paper cups and use a basketball to that is what we did for a little while.

Steve is loving this....Collins is such a sweet baby!

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