Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Half Way There!

It is Wednesday....we are half way through the week and looking forward to the week-end!  Tori has now got 2 weeks of college under her belt and Thomas has almost 2 weeks of K-4 behind him!  I got up this morning to a shower full of ants...yipee!!  Tonight when we came home from church Steve had ants in his closet.  You just never know where they will show up next!!  I know God put them here for a purpose....but I mean they have the whole world, why do they want to live in OUR house????  Oh well, we had a great day today and a good time at church.  I made sunshine cupcakes and they were so cute....but they tasted awful!!  Why I didn't just stick with a good ole cake mix, I'll never know.  But no, I had to make them from scratch and they were terrible!!
Mother cooked supper for us and Cindy and Dodd and the was really good.  It's always good when someone else cooks for you!

I can't believe Mother let me take her picture with Tori...she usually runs when someone gets out a camera HA!!

Tori helped out so much at church tonight!  She did the lesson, helped take care of Collins and cleaned up after everyone went outside....thanks Tori!!!

Tonight at church after we had our lesson and those AWFUL cupcakes we played corn hole.  We were first introduced to corn hole when we went to Georgia to visit Debbie and Charles.  Then Steve came home and made his own corn hole game.  It is very addicting!  Kids of ALL ages love it!!

That is ...most kids love corn hole, but not Sparky (aka Thomas)!  He just really wanted to lay around and grumble about not getting a turn or according to him, everyone was saying he was cheating HA!!  I'm so afraid when he gets his first report card it is going to say "doesn't play well with others!"

Tori and Collins were the spectators for the game.  Collins was pretty entertained the whole time!  Oh well, I have got to go and get Thomas to go to sleep...just one more day until Friday!!!

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