Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Big Boy Haircut

Well yesterday was pear putting up day and today was haircut day!  Thomas, aka, Sparky (he likes to refer to himself as Sparky the Fire and Rescue dog), got his haircut!  I give him a REALLY good haircut when he gets one because he HATES them....its like pulling teeth!  Steve and Pop also got haircuts....so I guess all of the big boys got haircuts! HA!  Dan-Dan and Pop (Steve's parents) ate supper with us.  Dan-Dan brought turnips, fried cornbread, and fried pork chops...yum!  I made mini cheeseburger sliders and they were sooo good!  A quick and easy thing to make that Tori actually bragged on...I will be making them again soon!  It's time to get Thomas in the bed, I want to get him in the habit of going to bed earlier since he is about to be a school boy!!

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