Thursday, August 25, 2011

Friday Eve

Thursday is one of my favorite days of the week, because the next day is Friday!  This week has gone by pretty fast.  Thomas had a great day today.  He even had a great morning...he never once mentioned not wanting to go to school and he ate his whole "Harvey's" biscuit on the way to school!  Tori had the day off, but Collins had a rash, so the daycare called Cindy to come get her.  So, Cindy and Tori took her to Dr. Jim in Wetumpka and she has foot, hand, and mouth disease and she is getting molars!  She is a really good sport about it though!  She and Campbell stayed with us for a little while tonight while Cindy went to a meeting at school and Dodd was also working at the school.  Thomas and Campbell played so well together tonight!
Campbell and Thomas played the Wii for a long time and Campbell wanted me to get a picture of her twirling around...not sure what Thomas was doing!
Tori and Collins were just "hanging out"!  Collins feels bad...but I think it is mostly from her teething.  She was still a very busy little girl! HA!!

They rode the dune buggy a little while right before it got dark and they kept pretending they were on a trip to Alaska HA!!  They kept saying they were going to see polar bears and eskimos.  They have HUGE imaginations!!  Tori left going to the hospital tonight about 8:45 p.m. because Adam's Dad is in the hospital.  He is having some problems and Adam was coming home, so Tori wanted to go be with Adam and his family.  I am praying for complete healing for Adam's Daddy, so many people are praying for him and I know our God is the great physician and there isn't a prayer that goes unheard!

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