Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Just Another Day

The weather has been gorgeous today!  I love being able to walk outside and not feel like you are walking into an oven.  Mother cooked supper tonight, so since I didn't have to cook and the weather was so great, Thomas and I stayed outside for a while for him to play in his sandbox.  He had a good day at school and was eager to tell me all about it.  He brought home his work for me to look at and he is doing so good!  I get so tickled at some of his stories.  He can say some of the funniest things.  This morning he asked me if this week would be the last week of school.  I told him that he was just getting started and he told me that he wasn't even five yet (Ha!  He has a good point).  I told him that he was going to K-4 and that was for kids that were still 4.  Then he looked at me and said OOOOOHHH!  Like he finally got ! Ha!

This is Thomas "in his element".  He is doing what he LOVES to do....play with trucks and tractors.  He has got the fake smile going on!  HA!!

And this is Tori in her element....doing what she LOVES to do...text!  She had a day off today.  She has a great schedule!  I think her day consisted of sleeping late and laying out in the sun and she did have a perfect day for that!  She did help me out by doing some things around the house for me...that helps me out soooo much!  It will be back to school tomorrow for Tori, but she is really excited about her classes, I think she is going to really like college!  I'm soooo proud of her!

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