Saturday, September 17, 2011

Stay at Home Saturday

Today was a stay at home Saturday and we loved it!  I started cooking for tomorrow at church since it is Homecoming.  I did a hashbrown casserole, a chocolate peanut butter eclair, a seven layer salad and a chicken casserole. I have it almost ready except baking the casseroles.  I am also going to make some 7-Up biscuits...those are really good, Tori loves them!  Campbell spent most of the day with us and her and Thomas got along pretty well for the most part. 
Thomas has gotten to where he hangs upside down in the chairs and the couch and he uses the back of the chairs like a slide HA!

Campbell is looking so grown-up!  I think she is getting her cheerleader pose down HA!

This afternoon Mother, Thomas, Campbell and I (along with Max & Ruby HA!) went to the church to take Mother's ferns to the new building.  It looks so good when it is all cleaned up!  The floors look great!  We are all set now for Homecoming!

We are expecting a BIG crowd tomorrow.  I am sad that Tori won't be there, but so happy that she is with Adam and his family and Greg is getting his new liver TONIGHT!  It is 9:23 p.m. and Tori has just text me to say they have just taken him in for surgery.  God is so Good!  Almost my every thought is with Tori, and Adam and his family.  I know they will have such a long night tonight, but it will be so worth it if Greg can be better!  I took Tori to go with Adam's grandparents this afternoon to the hospital...Melanie called Tori and told her this afternoon around 4:00 that Greg would be getting his liver tonight and that she could come with Adam's grandparents if she wanted.

Tomorrow that long table in the middle will be covered in yummy food!  We always have so much to eat and we have some of the best cooks in the country!  I sure will miss my Tori...I had her in mind when I decided to do the hashbrown casserole and chicken casserole.  Oh well, she is where she really wants to be right now and I just hope and pray everything goes well!

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