Friday, September 23, 2011

Finally Friday!

Well we finally made it to Friday!  What a week this has been.  I thought I would never make it to 4:30 was such a long day!  The big game was tonight between Brantley and Luverne.  I haven't heard the final score yet, but I think the Bulldogs are winning....go Dogs!  Tori went to the game with Cindy, Dodd, and Campbell.  Steve and Thomas and I kept Collins.  She has been so good!  Thomas has been so good!  It has been an easy night!
This is what I came home to today!  Tori had spiked Thomas' hair HA!  He told us the other night that when he gets big he wants his hair to stand Tori was just helping him out!

Two little Brantley Bulldogs!  Thomas has finally started liking Collins.  He really helped me out with her tonight by picking up his little toys that she could get in her mouth.  I talked to Debbie for a long time tonight and she told me all about their last couple of days.  She and the rest of the family are still in shock over losing Sue.  We aren't 100% sure we are going to Georgia.  The funeral is Monday, but we had thought we would go on Sunday and spend some time with them and then come home.  Debbie says we shouldn't even try to do that...with the children and all.  She said she wants to really be able to visit with us and there will be so many people she might not get to even talk to us for very long, if we just come up for a little while to see them before the visitation starts.  So...we will talk about it some more and see.  I talked with Melanie, Adam's mom today and they were about to get out of the hospital and move to the townhouse that they will be at until Greg is able to go home.  Praise the Lord!  Greg is doing remarkable...God is so good!  I think Tori is headed to Birmingham this week-end with Adam's aunt and uncle.  They may be going tomorrow afternoon and coming home Sunday.  Steve and I are planning on moving the beauty shop tomorrow.  Tori has to go to school tomorrow from 8:00 til 12:00.  Thomas has a date to go and see Dan-Dan and Pop and play at their house in Elba...he hasn't been there to play since he started school and he is so excited!  I 'm waiting for the ballgame crew to come in...I have both of the babies asleep!  I'm off to read this great book that I can't hardly put down!

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