Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Pictureless/Sad Day Post

I have no pictures for this post, this has been a very busy week.  We have been having revival all week and my Uncle Donnie Marler has preached our revival and he has done an awesome job!  I have really enjoyed every night of it.  Today was a very sad day... a really good friend of mine was killed in a car accident...Sue Studle.  I have known Sue for a very long time.  She used to come down a lot with Debbie and Charles and we would hang out together on the week-ends.  I would go spend the night with her at the "pink house" and she would come to my house and spend the night.  When we were at Debbie and Charles' house this summer, I never dreamed that would be my last time seeing Sue.  She was taking her little boy Cole to school this morning and was in a head on collision.  Cole is fine, but Sue didn't make it.  My heart is breaking for Cole and the rest of the family.  My prayers and thoughts have been with them all has been a very sad hard day that I could not stay focused on anything except our friends in Georgia.  My prayers are with them tonight and the days and weeks and even years to come.  Sue left behind a precious little boy that was the apple of her eye.  She will be missed soooo much!

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