Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Parent Day

Today was Parent Day at school.  I went to school and sat with Thomas while he ate lunch.  I didn't eat because they eat at 10:00 a.m. and I just didn't think I could eat lunch at that time HA!!  So, I just went and sat with him while he ate and then we went back to their classroom and Ms. Ceil read a book and then they played at their centers.  Thomas was the only one that could tell Ms. Ceil what the Spanish word for orange is!  He is so smart, but.....he has no interest whatsoever in writing his name or coloring!  We have got to work on that!
Thomas and Savannah are getting ready for their lunch and Thomas took about 2 whole bites of his sandwich!  But...he did eat his Sunchips and drank his juice.  He was way too excited that I was there with him.

Thomas was getting ready to listen to the story Ms. Ceil was reading.
Thomas and his best friend AJ were playing with blocks.  Thomas says Aj is his one and only friend! HA!
They were really getting into it!  Thomas and AJ are almost exactly the same size...I was noticing that today!
I took this right before I sneaked out.  I told Thomas bye and that I was about to go and he was like...okay, see you this afternoon.  I'll take that anyday as opposed to leaving them crying!

When I was leaving I ran into Campbell Hawthorne and a few of her friends!  They had jsut enough time to stop and pose for a picture!
What cute little girls!  Oh well...after all the fun at Parents Day I had to go back to work and what a busy day at work it was!  Tori has had a virus and she has been "under the weather".  I am so thankful she is feeling better and she thinks she will be able to go back to school tomorrow...I sure hope so!!

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