Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Great Day for a Party

Tonight we had Pop's birthday party.  We had a dip party and Dan-Dan brought ham and Bon Jean brought taco soup.  Everything was so good and I am stuffed.  We had all kinds of dips.  I made 3 and Lynn brought several too.  They were all so good!  I love junk food suppers like we had.  I think Pop had a good birthday!
Bon Jean, Tori and Pop...wonder what Tori is doing????  Oh!!! I bet I know...she must be texting!! HA!!  She sure is intent on looking at something and I think Bon Jean is trying to read her text! HA!

Pop got some really good presents.  He got a hunting bag full of hunting stuff and he got a gift card.  Pop really likes to hunt, so I think he really liked his bag and he can buy whatever he needs with his girft card.  Pop is all set for hunting season now!

Thomas sure did enjoy Pop's party.  He had a ball playing with Hayden and Bradley.  He gets so carried away and then he starts coughing which sometimes leads to throwing up, but he didn't tonight, thank God! Tomorrow is a holiday for Steve and I WOOHOO!!  I love Monday holidays!!  I hope to get to paint the shutters on the beauty shop and maybe help Steve work on his shop some too.  I have to go have a conference with Ms. Ceil at 12:00 and then I will bring Thomas home with me for the rest of the day.  Tori is not feeling well...she doesn't have the day off.  I sure hope she feels better tomorrow!!

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