Saturday, October 8, 2011

Busy Saturday

I did all kinds of stuff today...I even baked a birthday cake for Pop.  Today is Pop's birthday and he is 75 years young!  Happy Birthday Pop!  We are having him a little birthday party at our house tomorrow night and I had a cake recipe that I wanted to voila!!
Thomas and I were home most of the day alone.  Steve went to Banks to help Pop work on food plots to get ready for hunting.  Tori went to watch Adam play baseball.  So, Thomas played ALL day and watched TV a good part of the day.  I did a lot of laundry, cleaning and baking.  When Steve came in he wanted to go work on the beauty shop, so Thomas and I went with him.  Thomas got out his Big Foot remote control truck and had the best time playing with it in the trench that Steve dug to get to the water pipes under the shop.  Steve is trying to hook up the water and then I will have water at the beauty shop!!  It has been a LONG time since there has been water down there.

Steve got finished with the floor in the bathroom this afternoon.  The beauty shop is really coming together.  It looks like a totally different place!

We still have some work to do, but I am so proud of the way the beauty shop turned out.  Since I have a holiday Monday, I am going to pressure wash the outside of the shop and paint the shutters and the doorsteps.  We are almost there and when we get finished with this project we have to clean Steve's shop up and then we can start thinking about the kitchen project, woohoo!  I can't wait!  I love me some projects!!

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