Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Week-Ends in Review

I have let these days just slip on past me and I have let my pictures pile up again!  I meant to do a post about now what was 2 week-ends ago this past week-end and guess what???? I didn't!  Now it is Tuesday (my birthday!) and now I have let 2 week-ends go by without a post.  So here it goes....this is from 2 week-ends ago.  It would be January 27, 28, and 29.  I remember the dates so well because we celebrated Lynn's birthday on January 28.  We ate at the Chinese restaurant in Troy.  We (Thomas, Steve, and I...Tori didn't make this trip) spent Friday (Jan. 27) night in Banks with Dan-Dan and Pop.  Steve, Pop, and Bradley hunted Friday afternoon and then all day Saturday.  Thomas and I left early on Saturday and went to Wal-Mart and then we went by to see Stan.  We then went home for a little while and then went back to Troy for the birthday party for Lynn.  Just a funny thing that we will probably look back on in years to come and find really funny....Thomas did not like deer being killed at all.  Pop ended up killing 2 deer that week-end and Thomas just thought it was a "shame", in his words! HA!  He was truly upset!!  But, I bet he won't always feel that way...one day he will be hunting for the "big one" too!
This was Pop's first deer of the week-end.  Thomas didn't see the other one that he killed Saturday morning.  We left before they got back with that deer because Thomas went to bed talking about the poor deer and got up talking about the poor deer!

This is what really put Thomas "over the edge" just seeing the deer hanging around HA!!

Thomas decided that he would slide down the hill of leaves on his boogey board.  We played all afternoon while the hunters were hunting!  We slid down hills, went for walks, jumped on the trampoline, and played on the swing.  That about does it for our Banks trip.  While at Wal-Mart I picked up Thomas a new shirt and tie and some new pants for church.  He and Steve looked like twins for church...they were very handsome!
That wraps up the week-end 2 week-ends ago!  They were the best dressed fellows at church!

This past week-end we just stayed around the house.  Thomas and I went with Steve down to the pond to burn down some cattails that were coming up around the pond.
Look how pretty those cattails were!  But not for long!
Steve set fire to them and they were gone and just a matter of a few minutes!

Not pretty anymore :( !!

While down at the pond, Thomas decided he would get in a little fishing!  The fish weren't biting, but you sure could have dipped them up with a dip net...they were swimming all around!

Debbie, Charles, and Aubrey came down for the week-end.  Mama cooked me a birthday supper.  We had  really yummy supper of grilled steaks and all the trimmings and my favorite part was the birthday cake with whipped cream icing....my FAVORITE!!
What a yucko picture of me...oh well...I had a very pretty cake...thanks Mom!  It was sooo delicious!  What a great birthday I have had.  I'm looking forward to the next 43 years!!

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