Sunday, February 26, 2012

This Week In Review

This week has been pretty UNeventful!  Thank God!  I will take uneventful over being so sick with the stomach virus ANY day!  But to just recap....I made this cake for our Wednesday night kids!  I thought it turned out pretty cute and it was pretty tasty too!  I made it Monday night after getting my hair is the shortest it has been in a long time!  Tuesday night Steve had a fire meeting and we stayed home.  Wednesday night was church of course and we had a pizza/cake night for the kiddos.  It was really good and we had a really good turn out!  Thursday night we went down to Dan-Dan and Pop's for Bradley's going away party...we had yummy steaks and all the trimmings.  Bradley leaves Tuesday for Louisina and he starts his new job Thursday...all the luck to you, Bradley!!!  Friday night was kind of a yucky night, so we stayed in.  Saturday we got ready for our (late) Valentine social.  And, I got to keep this cutie pie!

Cindy had an all day softball thing to go to on Saturday and Dodd had to take Campbell for T-Ball tryouts, so Collins came and stayed with us (me, Thomas and Steve).  Tori was gone to Brewton with Adam's parents to watch Adam play baseball.  We had a good time....Thomas is soooo much nicer to Collins than he used to be!

See????  They are having fun together!!  I am so proud of Thomas, he has really come a long way with Collins!!

When Campbell got finished with her tryouts, she came to play for a little while, then it was time to get ready to go to the church.  We had steak again...2nd time in a week!  It was so good and I think everyone had a great time...I know I did!  Well, I guess it is time for bed...another Monday morning is on the horizon...hope this will be another uneventful week!!

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