Sunday, January 29, 2012

Christmas 2011 Part 3

This is still a continuation of Christmas 2011...maybe I will get caught up before Christmas 2012!

The Hawthorne's
Now, that gets us through Christmas on to Christmas Day!!

This is what the playroom looked like after Santa came!  I think it was a little overwhelming to Thomas...look at that face!

Steve was just as excited about Tori's new gadget as she was...or may be more that she was!
Dan-Dan and Pop came to see what Santa brought and then we had church since Christmas fell on Sunday this year.  Then we went to Bon Jeans for lunch.  Aunt Pean, Ken, Stan, Sonya, and Marino got to come and we all had some good food and a good visit!  Oh....I almost forgot...Santa had left a go-cart in Steve's shop for Steve, Tori, and Thomas...but there again, I think Steve was the most excited about the go-cart!!

Aunt Pean really enjoyed coming to Mother's and enjoyed her lunch!  It was really good...all the food for Christmas was really good and I gained about 5 pounds! HA!!

We always have so much fun and so much to talk about when we get together and that is what the holidays are really all about, just being together and enjoying your family!  Christmas 2011 is now a memory, but it is a good memory.  We are so blessed and I hope we have a lot more Christmas memories to come!!

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