Saturday, January 21, 2012

Christmas 2011 Part 1

Christmas this year fell on Sunday, so we had the Friday before Christmas off and it was GREAT!!  I got to do some last minute shopping, wrapping and baking.  Tori and I got up and went to Wal-Mart first thing, then we came home and Thomas, Campbell, and I made cookies....well, mostly I made cookies, they tired out pretty fast and was ready to get into something else HA!  But, we did have some pretty cute cookies and they made some pretty cute pictures and we made some really special memories!
Our cookies turned out really cute and tasty!  Campbell spent the night with us, they was going to sleep in the tent in the playroom and Steve set it up and everything, but...they both ended up in the bed with me and Steve ended up in Thomas' bed...oh well!!  But the next morning they woke up extremely excited because Santa was coming that night because it was CHRISTMAS EVE!!

But before Santa could come we had to go to Dan-Dan and Pop's for lunch and to open presents!  This was a picture of ALL the presents before we all got in there and made hash of the presents (and the room)!

Here is Thomas SOOOOOO excited before we started eating lunch.  He could not WAIT to open presents!

Here they are all 4 of them!!  I cannot believe how the years have FLOWN by, it seems like yesterday when Tori, Bethany, and Bradley were Thomas' age and in the blink of an eye he will be all grown up like them!  Okay...I think I'll stop here so I can go have myself a good cry!!  Not really, but time does go so fast!!
Here is the whole gang, girlfriend and boyfriend included!  Thomas was standing in as Bethany's boyfriend for the day!
Steve is opening what he loves....clothes!!  Steve and Thomas do NOT like to get clothes!  It was hilarious when Thomas opened a present and he had clothes.  It was like the biggest disappointment of his life!  He gets that from Steve...they just want toys!!

Dan-Dan and Pop were opening presents too!  We all got soooooo much!  We are a very blessed family!!

Thomas had to get Steve to help him with this one!  This is one he got from Aunt Lynn, Uncle Greg, and Bethany...and he loved it!!

WOW!!  Thomas is in hog heaven!!  This is just the beginning of toys, toys, and more toys!!!  After Dan-Dan and Pop's we headed home to get ready to go to Bon Jean's for more excitement and eating yummy food!!  Stay tuned for Part II of Christmas 2011!!

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