Monday, October 3, 2011

Tragic Fall Day

It seems like every week we get more bad news.  I have gotten scared to even answer the telephone when it rings.  I got a call bright and early this morning from Mother.  She told me that Kim Beck Moore had killed herself this morning.  I have known Kim all of my life, we grew up together.  My heart goes out to Mrs. Shirley and Mr. C.E. and their whole family.  On a lighter note, it has been a beautiful fall day.  I LOVE fall!  We have our fall decorations out at our house and Steve put Fred out today!
Fred comes every year about this time and I think this year Fred has put on a few pounds! HA!

Yep Fred is looking pretty "stuffed" HA!  Collins stayed with us for a little while this afternoon and she would have no part in having her picture made with Fred.  I think Collins is going to be scared of Fred just like her big sister Campbell was.

As I said I love fall and this is a fall painting that I did!  We had a painting party after work last Thursday and we all painted this pumpkin painiting.  I am pretty proud of the way it turned out.  We had so much fun, we are planning to paint a Christmas painting...can't wait!  Tori called me this morning with some great news...Adam's Dad got to come home today and he is doing great!  He called Tori when they got home and wanted her to come and see him, but she is busy working on school stuff and wasn't able to go.  I think it is so terrific that he is is just another answered PRAYER....NOTHING SHORT OF A MIRACLE!!

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