Saturday, October 29, 2011

Day Break Farms...Part One

Last Monday we went on a field trip with Thomas' class to Day Break Farms and we had soooooo much fun!  It was a blast!  This was a shot of most of the class, some had already left with their parents when this was taken, but most were there.  Don't they look adorable in their pumpkin shirts Ms. Ceil made them???
When we first got there, we looked at all of the animals and petted them and even fet them.  There were cows to feed, horses, goats, pigs, and rabbits.  There was a little shetland pony there named "Trigger" and he was so cute. Thomas got a kick out of him because he would show you his teeth! HA! After the animals, we went on a hay ride and it was fun.  Then the kids just got to run around and see what all there was to do.  Thomas ran straight to the little tractors and played and rode around the hay bails.  What fun!

Another fun thing was Hay Mountain.  It was just a bunch of haybale's piled up and some sewage pipes that you could slide down.  All of the kids had a ball playing in the hay.  Just think we spend all of this money on toys and all we really need is hay! HA!

One of the most fun things they did was play in  the corn in this big area filled with corn. Wow it was so much fun!  Thomas had never done anything like it before and he thought it was the coolest thing ever!  Well, that was part one of the DayBreak Farms post.  Maybe it won't be a week before I get to finish it!

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