Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Hodgepodge Post

Now that I finally got through with Chrismas 2011, this is just a mixture of different things I wanted to put on here just to journal them and so that I wouldn't forget them.
I was off for about 11 days during Christmas and it was GREAT!!  While I was off Krisi, my boss, had a moving sale and I got to go and I picked up a few of which was this!  I got it for $5.00 and I think it looks great on my little round table!

This was another one of my $5.00 purchases!  I think these look great in the living room with my red couch!

My last item purchased was a lamp for Tori's room.  I think it looks perfect with her new bedding that Santa brought her.  We also went to Banks camping for Steve to go hunting.  We had a full camper...but we had lots of fun!

Bradley, Pop, and Steve were working on a trailer...they had taken a little break from hunting.

The girls got caught up with their rest!

Thomas LOVES jumping on the trampoline and it is really good excercise for me!!  I think he would jump all day.  But what he really loves is is to be bounced!
And, last but not least...Thomas picked up a ringworm somewhere along the way!  This was the picture that Steve took to send to Jim.  We thought that would save us a trip to Wetumpka, but ringworms are hard to get rid of, so we doctored on it for a while and could not get rid of it, so we ended up going to Wetumpka, but thank God we are finally almost rid of it!  Wow!  I think that gets me caught up on my blogging for the time being.  I hope I can keep from getting so far behind for now on!!

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